Justice for Beckyd

SB 43.

In September of 2022, I did an interview with Riverside Mayor, Patricia Lock Dawson. It was an interview about Project Becky.
At the end of the interview Mayor Dawson said to me;
              “We will get justice for Becky.”
That stuck with me and her words meant a lot, to my grieving heart.

On October 10, 2023, I received an email from the Governor's office staff person that I connected with through my work with Project Becky.
The email was to inform me that Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 43 (SB 43).
SB 43, modernizes the Lanterman Petris Short ( LPS) conservatorship.
It updates the definition of gravely disabled.
It also means as a last resort, families can petition the court on behalf of a loved one who is in grave danger suffering from severe mentally illness or drug addiction.
 The Governors staff person
“Thanked me for my help and dedication in getting these important proposals to the finish line.”
                  -A Burden Lifted-
With the implementation of CARE Court on October 2, 2023 and the subsequent passing of SB 43, I felt a relief come over me.
As if a heavy, important  burden I carried, was lifted. It solidified and gave me rest knowing, Becky’s death was NOT in vain.

I couldn’t help think of the divine timing of Becky’s death, the start of Project Becky and one Saturday morning  when I happened to come across an article in a Riverside Magazine.
‘The article talked about the  legislative framework for CARE Court.
‘I remember thinking, as I read the article; “This it it! This is Project Becky!”
I remember: after reading the magazine article on Saturday,  the following Monday morning I called  the Riverside Mayors office and spoke with Jake.
Telling him, “I wanted to help to get this passed!”

I remember, after Becky’s death, reaching out to my legislative representatives:

A conversation with Congressman Takano, who had just happened to have had a meeting earlier that day with staff mental health.

Conversations with Mikala, who at the time was with Senator Roth’s office.

 A conversation with a staff person from Assemblyman Medinas office, who explained the CARE Court framework.  

Carina and her staff, from Governor Newsoms office and Mayor Dawsons team. They gave me the opportunity to share Becky’s story and bring the darkness of her death death into the light.

I don’t know when the idea for CARE Court begin, but I do know Becky was the Divine reason that only 2 years after her death; what seemed impossible was made possible.

                -I Stand and Profess!-
To those that oppose CARE Court and SB 43; I Stand up and Profess:
       ‘’ I am living proof that change was  
         desperately needed in a broken
        ‘’If CARE Court and SB 43, were in  
       place in Beckys lifetime, she would
       have had a fighting chance.
       As her sister, I would have used these
      modernized tools to fight for Becky in
      her darkest days.’’

      ‘’The very freedom and liberty that  
       those opposed to CARE Court and
       SB43, feared could be taken away; was
       the same freedom that allowed Becky’s
       tormented mind to deteriorate and
       To have the liberty do the unthinkable.’’

For Becky, what good is freedom and liberty, now? There is no more tomorrow for Becky to get it right, but there is now hope for others. New modernized tools for a fighting chance at a better tomorrow.
         This is, Justice for Becky,

Project Becky 10-02-23. NBC 4 .

Justice for Becky

Where  does Project Becky go from here?

CARE Court and SB, will 43 bringing new hope for a better tomorrow for those with severe mental illness.
Now I ask,
            “Where does Project Becky go from
I asked myself this question, knowing that with all the reform, the work is not over.

In 2023, Project Becky  supported other mental health reform.
Senate bill 326 and Assembly bill 531.
Governor Newsom signed both pieces of legislation in October 2023.
SB 326 and AB 531, are a $6 billion bond that Californian will vote on in March 2024. It will be know as, ‘Proposition 1 (Prop 1).’

                        -Proposition 1-
What is Proposition 1, ‘the behavioral health bond in California?’
The $6 billion bond will provide funding to build new behavioral health facilities and beds, outpatient treatment, and housing.

Project Becky will work to support the
passage of this important proposition.
To insure the needed funding will be in place to help individuals access the care they need, in a timely manner. Californians will vote on Prop 1, in 2024.

Vote YES, on Proposition 1.

              #Justice For Becky